Author: shawn

  • How to set up Stockfish for Scid vs PC

    As one of the strongest chess engines in the world, Stockfish is an ubiquitous tool for learning and analyzing chess games. Scid vs PC, on the other hand, is a popular open-source chess GUI toolkit with powerful functionalities. For Scid vs PC to be useful, it usually requires setting up a chess engine to provide…

  • How to install Homebrew on MacOS

    How to install Homebrew on MacOS

    What is Homebrew? Homebrew is a package management application for MacOS and Linux. Released in 2009, it was intended to simplify the installation of third-party software on MacOS. Over the years, Homebrew gained its popularity through its extensibility and ease of use. Why Homebrew? Package managers provide a way to automatically compile, install, upgrade, configure…

  • How to make a custom WordPress website using Linode

    How to make a custom WordPress website using Linode

    Linode is one of the best sites for custom servers. Today I am going to show how to create a WordPress website using Linode. Step 1: Create a Linode account Go to the official website and create an account. Currently, you will get a 100$ credit after you sign up. You can pay for the…